Have your say

Formal Statutory and Public Consultation on Proposed Yorkshire Wolds Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty 

The next opportunity for you to have your say is during the formal Statutory and Public Consultation, date to be confirmed.

The consultation is statutory for the relevant local and combined authorities (East Riding of Yorkshire Council, North Yorkshire Council and the York and North Yorkshire Combined Authority), however, Natural England has decided that it should be extended to other stakeholders and the public. 

This website will be updated with further information regarding the project and the consultation and how you can have your say as we approach the consultation launch. If you would like to receive project updates, you can email us on YorksWoldsDesignationProject@naturalengland.org.uk and ask to be added to our project contact list. Our Privacy Policy is included at the bottom of this page and you can unsubscribe at any time.

There will be a number of on-line webinars and these will be advertised on this website along with detailed information on how you can have your say.

Printed copies of the consultation documents will be available to view at a number of local libraries, local authority and Natural England offices and at the face to face drop in events listed below. Details of those offices and libraries will be provided here in the run up to the consultation.

The online, interactive map below identifies the Candidate Area for designation, refined after the earlier engagement work. This will be updated to show the proposed Yorkshire Wolds AONB when the Statutory and Public Consultation launches and will reflect the findings of the full technical assessment work.

Click on the map to view interactively and in more detail

Designation Process Presentation

The following presentation, which this runs for approximately 21 minutes, was used in the webinars in 2022, providing an overview of the AONB designation process.

You can also view a series of Frequently Asked Questions here and Natural England’s detailed Guidance for Assessing Landscape for designation as National Park or Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty in England  

YW Webinar Presentation Final.mp4